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What to Expect During and After Your Arm Lift

What to Expect During and After Your Arm Lift

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, has become increasingly popular as more people seek solutions for sagging, loose, or excess skin on their upper arms.

Triple board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gordon Sasaki and his team at Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center in Pasadena, California, are nationally recognized for their expertise in cosmetic surgeries like brachioplasty.

Patients appreciate the personalized, highly skilled, and compassionate care they receive from our Sasaki team. From education regarding your upcoming procedure to ongoing support as you heal, we focus on your safety, comfort, and satisfaction.

Here are a few basic facts from the team about arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) and what to expect.

Understanding brachioplasty

Significant weight loss, aging, and genetics can all contribute to developing sagging skin and stubborn fat deposits in the upper arms. This excess skin can be unsightly and uncomfortable, causing chafing and irritation.

An arm lift removes this unwanted skin and fat, resulting in a more toned and aesthetically pleasing arm contour.

Benefits of the surgery include:

For individuals who have undergone significant weight loss, an arm lift can be an excellent reward for accomplishing your goal.  

What to expect during and after an arm lift

Your experience at Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center begins with a thorough physical evaluation, a review of your past medical history, and a detailed discussion of the procedure.  

During your consultation, Dr. Sasaki discusses your goals and expectations for the surgery and specifics, such as areas where incisions are made, and instructions on pre-surgical preparations.

For instance, you may need to avoid certain medications or supplements before surgery. Never stop a prescribed medication without your doctor’s guidance.

During the arm lift procedure

Brachioplasty is performed while you’re sleeping (under general anesthesia). The procedure varies depending on incision placement, which is planned before the surgery and governed by the amount of excess skin removed.

Dr. Sasaki extends the incision horizontally along the crease under the arm (axillary area) for smaller amounts of excess skin. Moderate-to-significant amounts of sagging skin require longer incisions along the inner arm that may extend to the elbow.

Along with removing excess skin, Dr. Sasaki tightens and reshapes underlying tissue and removes excess fat to improve arm contour and appearance.   

After the arm lift procedure

Your arms are wrapped in bandages or compression garments to minimize post-surgical swelling and support the new contours. Pain medication helps manage post-surgical discomfort. We ask that you arrange a ride home to ensure your safety due to anestehtic effects.

Rest is crucial during the first few days, keeping your arms elevated as much as possible to reduce swelling. It’s often helpful to arrange assistance via a close friend or relative during this time.

Most individuals can return to light activities within a week but should avoid more strenuous activities for four to six weeks. You’ll receive specific instructions regarding post-operative care, including compression garments to reduce swelling and ways to speed healing and prevent scarring at the incision sites.

We encourage you to follow directions carefully, schedule follow-up visits as directed, and contact our office immediately if you have questions or concerns.

Schedule a consultation at Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center today by calling the office or requesting an appointment online. 

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